Saturday, 13 November 2010

Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) - Part 17


  1. To the three final hikers of 2010: Way to go! An amazing undertaking, and road walking in those conditions is no less challenging than trail walking in July. Hope to hear that you have all arrived safely at the end of your hike.
    I liked Paradise Lodge, and the roaring fire in the lovely stone fireplace -- it is all a matter of perspective, isn't it? Will be waiting to hear.
    Our best to all of you -

  2. Nice work boys. Looks mighty chilly out there. We stayed in the same shelter at brittenbush, Only about 30 degrees warmer tho. Sending you positive vibes and hoping you dont get plowed by a semi. Hurry back and come visit, 70 degree sonoma county. You guys are so close. Dont give in to the cold. Boys club out -uncle gary

  3. Hooray for the buldogs!! Don't give up. Very resourceful to figure out a way to get to Crater Lake in spite of weather conditions. Walk safe and Godspeed.


  4. C'mon Keith, you've got to finish before this next storm hits! I'm totally rooting for you. Any skepticism I might have expressed outside the cafe in sunny Seiad Valley back in September has been totally demolished by your track record since. Hope you've enjoyed it as much as those of us following your blog have.
