Friday, 19 November 2010


Exhausted, sore, tired, tender, proud, relieved, reflective and emotional.

I'll post the updates, video and photos over the next few days. All I want to do at the moment is sleep.

Thanks to everyone who is following the adventure and those that have sent me messages over the last few months. Respect to everyone over here who have shown me the sort of hospitality that restores a little faith in human kind.

It's been a blast, the adventure of a lifetime and I'm very proud to be able to call myself a Pacific Crest Trail thru-hiker.


  1. You're one tough individual, congrats to you, this has been an enjoyable couple months checking in on your journey. Take care!

  2. Well done mate. Outstanding

  3. Hurray, HURRAY! Congratulations doesn't seem like big enough a word! I can't imagine all that you have been through!

    Sleep well and we very much look forward to reading about the whole tale!


  4. Bravo my friend.
    From your mates in Plakias.

  5. Well done. C says you look funny with your beard and hair. See you at Alfristion after a shave and shower.


  6. Wow! Well done you! Look forward to finding out how you transition back to (un)civilisation!

  7. Same here. A great big bunch of congratulations. We have really enjoyed following the trials and tribulations with you. Many thanks for the supreme effort on your part we have been thoroughly well entertained.
    Best wishes from Sussex.

  8. Good job bro! Glad you finished safe and sound. Enjoy the transition...

  9. From the time we met you on the bus in Mammoth I have avidly followed your amazing trek though these 3 beautiful states. Congratulations and I wonder what's next!

  10. Well done and been fantastic reading your blog while you shared the walk. Hope there is a book to read down the line?

  11. Well done that man, what an achievement. The vids and the writings gave a fantastic insight into the trip - and what a trip. time for some zzzz, and some carbs.

    all the best

  12. So glad to hear that you finished. Hope you get to spend a bit of time sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating, enjoying warmth, etc.
    Best to you!

  13. Congratulation and thank you for sharing this adventure.
    Lots of luck and all the best from Bavaria
