Saturday, 21 August 2010

All the latest . . .

Lots of news, photos, video and text below, make sure you scroll down!

More great news in that another magazine back in the UK has agreed to run an article on my PCT adventure. Adventure Travel, a great publication covering all sorts of worldwide escapades will be featuring my PCT trek sometime in the Spring or Summer next year. Thanks to Rosie Fuller and all concerned for their help.

After hearing of my sun glass woes and tales of damaged, lost and broken  models, a company called Numa Sport Optics contacted me and offered me a pair of theirs. Apparently these are virtually unbreakable and I look forward to giving them a thorough work over. Thanks therefore to Niels Overgaard Blok and his team for their kind offer. They can be found at

Fozzie hiking in a kilt? Surely not?! It's true. After my walking buddy Brains extolled the virtues and benfits of walking in this piece of kit, a company called Sport Kilt are supplying me with a fetching little number. Apparently it has a very cooling effect on ones under carriage. Thanks Seamus at!


  1. Hey Fozzie,

    You've come a long way since the border, too bad to see you now are wearing a quilt, haha. Hope all is well and keep the stories coming.


  2. Hey Gabe,
    Good to hear from you and glad you're still following.
    Keep those beers cold, I'm on my way.
