Sunday, 31 October 2010

Sad news.

Harriett Ann Charman - 12/1/1916 to 30/10/2010
Known to all as Nancy, my beautiful Nan passed away on the day I reached Canada.
My 2010 Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike is in memory of her.


  1. Blobs... (Jeremy) x1 November 2010 at 07:34

    Thinking of you at this time mate. What a rollercoaster of emotions you must be feeling right now. So pleased you have crossed the finish line against quite a few odds; mostly weather. Can't wait to see you mate - but no man hugs or kisses from me till that beard is off...! Love to you Joan, Pete and Tracey if you are reading this.

  2. FozzieMan- My condolences on your Nan. You suffered through the unthinkable to get to Monument 78 and then the bad news. Walk on...fight on....and finish Oregon!

